Zero Barcelona Pods

Cosy sleep capsules

Jacobs Inn Pods Things that make you go “Zzzz”

Taking a break from the world for a while and need a little place to relax? Our pods provide the perfect private spaces for a good night’s sleep, a comfortable pre-adventure nap, or a well-deserved lie in.

Included in your stay

Experience Jacobs Inn Barcelona


Free WiFi

Stay connected on the go 24/7



Secure places to stow away belongings


Café On-Site

Satisfy munchies day or night


24-Hour Reception

Help is at hand whenever you need it


Chill-Out Spaces

Kick back and relax in style

Our Rooms

Dorms & Shared rooms

21 bedrooms ranging from 4, 6, and 8 people for a peaceful night’s sleep, or for up to 10 or 12 people for the more adventurous travellers and social butterflies looking to meet new people! Mixed dormitories and female-only dormitories are available, with en-suites or shared bathrooms.

View Room

One Pod In A

4 Person Dormitory From 16€ per night

Mixed Dormitory or Mixed Dormitory W/ En-Suite

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12 Person From 12€ per night

Mixed Dormitory

View Room

10 Person From 13€ per night

Mixed Dormitory

View Room

6 Person From 15€ per night

Female Dormitory W/ En-Suite
Mixed Dormitory

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8 Person From 14€ per night

Mixed Dormitory or
Mixed Dormitory W/ En-Suite

Book direct for fantastic perks!
